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Coffee with Christa

Mar 10, 2022

Expanding Your Positive Impact with the Power of Unconditional Love

What if you could experience a 1% increase in unconditional love towards the people and situations around you? It's a thought that has been on my mind lately, and I believe it could significantly enhance my life and well-being.

By reducing...

Mar 3, 2022

Reflecting on My Experience Surviving Acute Liver Failure

After being away for a few weeks, I'd like to share my humbling journey of overcoming acute liver failure. It was an unexpected and terrifying experience, but it taught me a lot about healing.

Though I still have a ways to go, I wanted to share...

Feb 10, 2022

What Do Your Possessions Say About You?

Lately, I've been reflecting on this question, and it's struck a chord in me. Have you ever thought about it? It's fascinating to explore how the things we own and how we treat them can reveal deeper insights about our personality, habits, and boundaries.

Perhaps this...

Feb 3, 2022

Discover the Benefits of Disconnecting from Technology

Have you ever wondered what happens when we are constantly bombarded by information through social media, the news, shopping, and email?

We rarely take the time to contemplate this question, but the answer is crucial to feeling free, peaceful, and grounded....

Jan 28, 2022

Looking for Inspiration? Try These Words of Wisdom from Pema Chodron

Do you have any go-to mentors or role models for a fresh perspective when you're feeling stuck? Today, I'll be sharing some powerful words of wisdom from Pema Chodron – an American-Tibetan Monk.

Let's explore what resonate with you and apply...